Why Happiness Comes First (video)

This week’s theme = Happiness!

Being happy is an important part of your life purpose. When you are happy, your authentic self shines through. Your soul shines through.

It’s about living from the vibration of joy and then expanding from that place. You probably already know the importance of having an open heart. And when we’re living from joy, it’s not just about the heart. It is also about our sacred genitals and our womb space (the lower two chakras). It’s about following what lights you up and turns you on. You no longer have to do things that feel lukewarm or things that you don’t want to do. Now in this time on Planet Earth it is really about being happy.

When you are happy, you can make the most meaningful impact by sharing your gifts. And when you’re in the flow of your life purpose, sharing your most meaningful gifts and sharing a meaningful message in the world, making a difference, you are expressing your authentic self and expressing your joy. And certainly you get to help people while you do that. Being happy is the most important part of all of this. When you’re happy, you are glowing and emanating amazing high vibrations of joy and confidence. Happiness removes restrictions and helps you to move forward with confidence.

Before you get to your to do list for the day, the first task is to get happy. Do things that make you happy, like listening to music, getting sunshine, exercise, talking with a friend, or meditating. For me, journaling helps me first thing in the morning. For this week ahead, being happy is your self-care. 


Video: Sexual Fire Forecast 😍

Weekly Intuitive Insights for Spiritual, Sexual, Sensitive Souls

Watch Video – Click Here


Your sexual fire is your life force. It’s your creation power. And you can utilize it to create happiness, love, joy, health, and even abundance, including money.

Insights from the video…

Career, Business or Life Purpose 🎁

What song have you not sung? What is still on your heart that you haven’t said or expressed in the world? Examples: An innovative solution to a problem in the world, a book you haven’t written, a story that is untold, or meaningful volunteer work. Acknowledge this and then create a plan or take one action step towards singing that song or sharing your gifts.

Money 💵

Money and happiness go hand in hand. It’s not as simple as having more money brings you happiness. It’s actually that being happy helps bring you more money!

When you are happy, you glow, your heart is open, your lower chakras are open, and you become magnetic. Money comes to you more easily when you are happy because you are a vibrational match. Money is in a high vibration of abundance. And then it’s not even about trying to make money. It’s about allowing money to come to you through that high vibration of joy.

S.e.x Life 🌟

How can you be happy in your s.e.x life? There might be some deep healing needed around forgiving the past or clearing old resentments or fear. You deserve to be happy sexually. Your body is a channel for joy and abundance. Give yourself permission to be happy overall and happy in your s.e.x life.

Make your s.e.x life your own. What kind of s.e.x life do you want? Not what does your partner want or what did past partners want. What do YOU want? What would make YOU happy in your s.e.x life? Reflect on that this week.

Love Life 💖

If you’re in partnership, don’t worry about things that have been bothering you. Just focus on the joy of being together. Give your partner compliments and tell them wonderful things that you appreciate about them. Make time to do something fun together.

If you’re single, focus on getting in the vibe of happiness and joy. If you want a partner, look forward to the moments of happiness together (fantasize about those moments). Let yourself feel that in your heart.

Overall, anchor in happiness. Do some things that bring you joy and light you up. Since energy is contagious, watch as your joy ends up lighting up people and the world around you.

Watch the video for more details. 😍

Please comment below the video on YouTube and let me know what message stood out to you most.

Wishing you a HAPPY week ahead.

With love and joy,


*Sexual Fire Reading* (available for a limited time): Got questions about your life purpose, business/career, money, love life, or s.e.x life? Wonder how to get your spark back and experience more abundance, love, and joy? 🌟Your soul and sexual fire🔥have the answers. Schedule a private reading with Courtney at: https://courtneyfaelong.com/reading

Download Courtney's Free E-Book Now

Are you ready to light your sexual fire and create the love and deep connection you secretly crave? Read this inspiring, free e-book from Courtney Fae Long, creator of Mariposa Sacred Sexuality, and discover how to be fulfilled in love, sex, and life.

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Why Happiness Comes First (video)

This week’s theme = Happiness! Being happy is an important part of your life purpose. When you are happy, your authentic self shines through. Your

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